Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Purple Butterfly

So one of the K+/1st grade teachers (we have two classrooms at the Y and thus two teachers) is out until March.  She left in January for a vacation but got really sick and is now out for another month.  In her absence, my director has had me take over her classroom, which has been very challenging.  Since I was hired, I spent my first month in the 4th/5th grade classroom, spent a couple days in the 2nd/3rd grade room (where I will eventually be taking over), and a month now in the K+ classroom.  I'll be honest and say K+ is the most challenging age group for me and I've honestly never considered myself cutesy enough for a Kindergarten teacher.  Colorful arts and crafts aren't really my thing and I don't know a lot of good circle songs.  However, despite what I consider a lack of predisposition to teaching this grade level, I think I've been doing a pretty good job.

When I want their attention, I almost never say 'YM' anymore.  Instead, we have a clapping pattern that we do.  I start clapping (and chanting) out 'Pur-ple Butterfly' Clap-clap clapclapclap, Yell-ow Dragonfly clap-clap clapclapclap, Green Cast-le Clap clapclap.  The first three always stay the same, but the things after those three sometimes change.  The students liked the rhythm so much that they wanted to add in their own.  So, during times they're being really attentive, I take suggestions from my best listeners as to what else we could add to the pattern.

Some things my students have added:
Rain-bow Pan-da
Blue pu-py-dog
Gol-den Ham-ster

This doesn't always work, but it works a lot.  I always have a few awesome listeners who get the pattern going.  The cool thing with clapping is that I don't have to shout but it's something making a loud enough noise to get their attention.  Even when I have kids running around, they'll stop when they hear other kids clapping and join in themselves.

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